
© 2019, Matthias Fitz


Matthias Fitz

born 1967 in Bad Steben, Oberfranken. Lives and works in Berlin.

Electronic engineer for communication, Fernmeldeamt Neustadt a.d. Weinstraße
Study Visuell Communication and Experimentell Media-Art, Universität der Künste Berlin
Meisterschüler, Prof. Maria Vedder (2003)

Prizes | Grants | Public Collections | Auctions

2010-2024 Round Table 5 Berlin - RT5 Charity Art Auction
Art prize of the county Alzey-Worms
2013 3. Prize Art Award Tempelhof-Schöneberg
2012 Project grant from Stiftung Kunstfonds
Nomination for the art award Art of Engineering
Honorable mention punto y raya, Museo Nacional Centro De Arte REINA SOFIA, Madrid,Spain
Inclusion video work in the video archive of the Deutscher Künstlerbund
2009 Working grant from Stiftung Kunstfonds
2009 lab award 2009 Festival lab.30
2008 Nomination for the exhibition to the 5. Marler Video-Installation-Prize
2005 5. International Art Prize 2005 for Sculptures, Installations and Objects, art-association Hürth
2004 Piurchase for the Collection ASPC, Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen
2003 NaFöG-Grant (promotion of young artists)
2002 Mainprize of the 11. Videokunstförderpreis Bremen
2002 Milla&Partner Preis, Prize for media in space, 15.Stuttgarter Filmwinter
2001 1.Prize of the art award "Art of Elements", UdK Berlin
2000 Selection for the project Generation 2000 from the Caja Madrid, Spain
2000 Nomination for the exhibition to the 2. Marler Video-Installation-Prize
Grand Prix de la Création Vidéo, Videoformes, Clermant-Ferrand, France
Nomination for the exhibition to the 8. Marler Video-Art-Prize

Exhibitions | Festival Participations

2024 Exhibition Da! Art-Award 2024“, Düsseldorf; Exhibition PERSPEKTIVEN 2024, art association Isernhagen; Exhibition „Kreativität          der Langsamkeit“, Kunstraum GISELA, Berlin; Exhibition Wem gehört die Welt?“, Galerie Hilbertraum, Berlin; Exhibition „Make art          not war“, Musikbrauerei, Berlin
Exhibition Art prize of the county Alzey-Worms, Alzey
2021 Festival  "EL GRITO DE LOS SIN VOZ"
2020 Festival Stuttgarter Filmwinter, center for puppet theater and theater tribühne, Stuttgart; Fünf Seen Filmfestival, Gauting; 33es
         Instants Vidéo, La Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille, France; Gallery G.A.S.-station, Exhibition "Zwischen Freiheit und Diktatur | die
", Berlin
Single exhibition "Zwischenort", art gallery Weseke; VIDEOART FESTIVAL III, Mühlehaupt Höfe, Berlin; Landesmuseum
         Württemberg, Preview Festival Stuttgarter Filmwinter

MADATAC #9 - International Media Art Festival, Madrid, Spain; Traverse Vidéo, Goethe Institut, Toulose, France
2017 MACH-Festival, Halle (Saale)
; GENERATE!°- Festival for electronic arts, Forum für zeitgenössische Künste e.V., Tübingen
2016 Screening LES RENCONTRES INTERNATIONALES, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin; PUNTOyRAYA, ZKM Karlsruhe
2015 Exhibition "Vom Vergehen",gallery Schartzsche Villa Berlin; Filmfestival • LES RENCONTRES INTERNATIONALES, Paris
2014 Exhibition "What´s the time?", ZKU Berlin; Exhibition Nomadics Vol.5 - THE OTHER WHERE, Open Space, Vienna; Bienal de la
         imagen en movimiento 2014; City of Buenos Aires, Argentina; The Best of Punto y Raya 2011, ZKM, Karlsruhe
2013 Gallery ortart "ortart no.30", Nürnberg; Festival plattform: #11, Tübingen; 11. Art Prize Tempelhof-Schöneberg "sub | kutan", Haus
         am Kleistpark, Berlin; LAB30, Augsburg ; Exhibition to the Schöneberger art prize, Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin; Festival „extra“,
         Leipzig, Exhibition „experimental trails“, Kunstraum Leipzig; Exhibition „Die Perfektheit und das Fehler“, G.A.S. Station, Berlin
2012 Exhibition of the finalists from the art award "Art of Engineering", headquarters of the ABLE Group, Gummersbach; raum im_raum
         III, gallery im_Raum, Berlin

2011 Reflective Interventions 2011, Gallery Art Claims Impulse, Berlin; single exhibition "Re-Creation of an Unstable Universe", Galery
         Art Claims Impulse, Berlin; raum im_raum II, Gallery im_Raum, Berlin; punto y raya festival, Museo Nacional Centro De Arte
         REINA SOFIA, Madrid, Spain
2010 Badisches Kunstforum, Ebringen; MOVES10: Framing Motion, Liverpool, Great Britain; Black & White Audiovisual Festival, Porto,
         Portugal; 32. international Hollfelder art exhibition; Exhibition "Stadt am Rande", Today Art Museum, Beijing, China;
         Exhibition "Kunst Phänomen Natur", Forum Factory, Berlin; Camagüey International Festival of Video Art, Cuba; 23rd Festival Les
         Instants Vidéo, France, Italia,Check Republic, Syria, Egypte, Ukraine and Algeria
2009 Traverse Vidéo, Goethe Institut, Toulose, France; Go Short International Short Film Festival Nijmegen, Netherlands; Video Art Fair
         LOOP, Barcelona, Spain; MIT Short Film Festival 2009, Massachusetts, USA; Festival plattform:[no budget], Tübingen; Crosstalk
         Video Art festival, Budapest, Hungary; 16. OpenEyes Filmfestival, Marburg; Open Source Festival 2009, Düsseldorf; Kunstlabor
         LAB30, Augsburg; Festival interfilm, Berlin; kunstfilmtag 09, Düsseldorf
2008 Exhibition Strictly Berlin 2008, Galerie der Künste, Berlin; Exhibition of the 5.Marler Video-Installations-Preis, Marl; Festival
         backup-weimar; Videoart show "VIDEOAKT", GlagauAir, Berlin; AsoloArtFilmFestival, Asolo, Italien; MINI MINUTES - Festival des
         kleinen Films, Münster; VISIONARIA 17, International Toscana Video Festival, Italien; ART FORUM BERLIN;  exground filmfest,
         Wiesbaden; Festival B-Seite, Mannheim; Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche; C o l o g n e O F F - Cologne Online Film Festival 2008

2007 punto y raya festival, Madrid, Spain; Kunstlabor LAB30, Augsburg
2006 Single exhibition in the galerie ortart, Nürnberg; Künstlerverein Walkmühle, Wiesbaden
2005 18. Stuttgarter Filmwinter; Berliner-Kunstprojekt; WerkP2, Hürth; diskurs 05, Giessen
2004 Neues Museum Weserburg, Bremen; Broadcasting unalogy n°1 leben ist... at the TV-Station OLDENBURG 1
2003 Single exhibition in the GalerieFormat, Berlin; Festival Garage, Stralsund; Stadtsparkasse Magdeburg
2002 15.Stuttgarter Filmwinter; 3. Bayreuther Filmfest; Filmfest München; 19. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest
2001 Zeppelin 2001, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, Spanien; Steinzeit 2001 in Hof; Garage#5, Stralsund
2000 Exhibition Parallelmontage 2, Berlin; European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück; 2.Marler Video-Installations-Preis;
         Kino Arsenal, Berlin; 10. Bochumer Videofestival; 15.Festival Audiovisual de Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain; Netmage, Bologna, Italy;
         18. Festival Video Estavar-Llivia, Spain
1999 Alpeadriacinema, Trieste, Italy; Videoformes 99, Clermant-Ferrand, France; Amazing Image Theatre, Auckland, New Zealand;
         Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente Elche, Spain; 12.Duisburger Filmtage; Festival Internacional, Lissabon, Portugal
1998 1.Multimedia-Forum der HdK Berlin; 8. Marler Videokunstpreis; Ausstellung LUX, Berlin; Transmediale 98, Berlin;
         MuuMedia Festival,Helsinki, Finland; 15. Kasseler Dokumentar-& Videofest

1997 „Der Traum vom Sehen“, Gasometer, Oberhausen; Broadcasting Das Wunder, TV-Station ARTE